Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Monarch Butterflies are in DANGER - they need OUR help

The monarch butterfly has been decreasing in numbers for the past several years primarily due to humans (pesticides, less landscape to find their food source, etc)

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come

We can help them by providing food and water. Monarch larvae feed primarily on milkweed so we need to plant some in our gardens and encourage others to do so as well. 

A great informative website is These delicate creatures have an amazing life cycle were every fourth generation lives a longer life so they can travel from Canada down to Mexico! It's a little more complicated than that...but the point I am trying to make is simple; we created the decline in numbers and now we should be compelled to help in bringing them back!
 Pupa stage
                        Please plant some milkweed for them. Offer water in a bird bath, or upside down wine bottle - fill with water. The wine bottles can be a pretty border to your garden too!

Tagging to track them

 I believe God shows us the Monarch Butterfly as a testament to life after "death". The caterpillar is pretty yet looks totally different than the butterfly, had you not seen the caterpillar create this little pupa - and then watched it emerge - you would not know it was the same creature. 

After the caterpillar has eaten his fill, his 'body' changes to a pupa - and it appears as if the caterpillar is almost dead. It does not move for days and days...then one magical day - he comes out a butterfly. The butterfly looks, feels, and travels 100% different than he did just two weeks ago. 

This reminds me of our transformation. Others may believe we are perhaps dead - but we, like the butterfly, have just transformed into a totally different look and feel. 

If God will do this for a butterfly - why wouldn't he do it for YOU?

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