Monday, February 3, 2014

Does Fido Have Bad Breath?

Do you brush your dogs teeth?

Dogs, like humans, should NOT have bad breath. If your dog does, its a sign something is wrong. Bad dental health can and does shorten your pups life, as it leads to other health issues. 

Its best to start this process when your dog is a puppy - but you can start at any time. The first time you try this maybe a little tricky...but make it a game and they will generally play along. I started with a finger brush - but soon moved on to the doggie tooth brush. I now use dog tooth paste, but I didn't in the beginning. 

Isis Loves Brushing Her Teeth!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. 
Enjoying the tooth paste too!
It is best to brush your dogs teeth daily, but if your too busy for least once a week. The first few times your dogs gums may bleed, but as you keep brushing you will see that stops quite fast. If not, you should speak to your vet about excessive bleeding. 

About twice a month I also give my dogs natural dog chews. They are potato based, so if your dog is like mine and barely chews it - they will digest in the stomach. You should NOT give your dog rawhides as they can cause blockages - and 'greenies' are chemical based, so I would avoid those as well. 

Happy Brushing! 

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