Sunday, February 2, 2014

I am back!

Its been a while since I've blogged and I've missed it, so I am back! I have learned so much in the past year about myself, my faith, organic gardening, saving money doing it at home, prepping, good quality dog food, and much, much, more. 

Where do I begin? 

Although in the past, I have focused this blog towards healthy living, and education, I wanted to also begin to address some more personal things. 

In September 2011, my beautiful 22 year old daughter, Katrina, was killed while driving home from work.  The boy/man that killed her was texting and never saw her car before he crashed into her, killing her instantly. He was never arrested, never got a ticket, never any punishment because Texas doesn't have any texting laws. This life altering loss obviously changed my life, my career goals, and really almost everything in my life. 

I've had to rethink everything I ever really thought about life. I won't focus this blog on my loss, but wanted people to know why I began this journey. This journey of learning who I am, what I really value, and understanding how faith plays a part in all that I do. I see life in a whole new perspective. I would love to learn more with you and take this journey together......

1 Chronicles 16:11
Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!

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