Thursday, March 20, 2014

You are Not and Never have been a Victim

Taking Ownership of your Life and Situation 

Many reading this may not like the way this will sound, but I believe this is wholly true... PLEASE take the time to really think about what I am saying, IF you're hearing this for the first time. YOU, with some guidance, chose the life you are living. You chose your mother and father, brothers/sisters/children, situations, birth location, gender, and especially YOUR LIFE LESSONS. You and your guides determine what lessons will work out the best for everyones growth and plan out details that will allow you to learn these lessons. You, and your soul group also work together in the planing stages before you are born. You are not a victim of circumstances. In reality NOTHING has happened TO YOU. 

Can you feel that in your heart? Deep in your soul does that sound correct or does it not feel right? When I read some ideas I work to feel inside if the concept is plausible or feels right to me. I try not to form an opinion too soon...I like to sit with new ideas and ponder them to determine if they feel right to me. Or sometimes if they just feel wrong. The idea that we select the situation that will allow the most growth feels very right to me. It makes no sense that it would all just be random happenstance.

Before you came here, you made some plans on what lessons you wanted to learn so you could grow the most spirituality in this lifetime. You know yourself VERY well, you know what it takes for you to learn something at a soul level. So if your lessons are beyond difficult - that is what YOU KNEW YOU NEEDED to learn what you were sent here to learn. 

Trust me, when I first began understanding this perspective - I did not like it, I didn't like it one bit! It means that I knew my daughter, Katrina, would go while she was young, and that we PLANNED it that way. When I sit and meditate, I KNOW THIS IS TRUE. Although very very painful, I am certain I knew this information. 

There are a few things I have always known. I have no idea why I know these things, but so far they have come true. I knew I would have a son, then a daughter. I told myself, in the mirror for years, do not get addicted to anything. Do not get fat! (wish that would change faster than it is!!) My 50th year would be very life changing. I am an optimist, and thought I would meet my husband that year! And finally, that I would die in a car crash or when I was 98. Those five 'facts' I have known ever since I could remember. 

Katrina Rose in a southern garden

I now consider these 'facts', and yes, I had a son, then a daughter. My daughter, Katrina, was taken in an auto accident when I was 49 - but if conception begins life, I would have been 50. Perhaps the memory of the car accident, I related to me - when in fact my soul tried to remember to soften the losing of my daughter. I don't know. But I find it interesting...

What have you always just KNOWN about your life? 

Believing that these big lessons are planed - I begin to day dream and see if I can mediate down to this information. Gather more details of things I may know that will benefit me now. It calms me somehow, yet pains me as well. I miss Katrina so much, her laughter, her grumpy morning manner, her butt showing because her pants are pulled down too low! I just miss being in her presence, doing anything. It is so painful to lose someone you love, more than you love yourself. The pain is indescribable. I imagine it is like losing a limb, or the ability to walk or see/hear. 

So getting in my head that I (we) chose this lesson for OUR growth is difficult to accept. Difficult yet I know it is also accurate. I recall what Archangel Metatron said to me the night he gave me my life lesson (in another post). Basically he stated that 'nothing bad ever happens to you without your prior approval, up to and including your death'.

When I heard that message, I understood it at a soul level

I look around my life, my situation, and my relationships with a different perspective these days. I not only accept them, I work to embrace them - knowing this is the way it should be. It is all perfect. 

So we are NOT victims here, yes some of us got a pretty shitty card - life is not what card you got - it is what did you DO with the card YOU GOT?

Monday, March 17, 2014

What Happens After you Die?

What happens to US (or other living beings for that matter) After we die?

Is there life after this?

What is Heaven like? Is there a Hell? So many questions; yet few are asking (out loud). Are you afraid to die? Have you given it any thought? It is the ONE thing we are ALL going to do...yet we rarely discuss it. I don't think I thought much about it myself, before I lost my daughter, Katrina. Once someone you love dearly passes - I guess its normal to pursue the topic, "What happens after we die?" I read every book that interested me on the subject. Even watched a few movies, 'What Dreams may come' Robin Williams, 'Terms of Endearment', 'Steel Magnolias', 'Descendants', 'Lion King', 'City of Angels' but I still had no firm idea what happens after we die. I know, your thinking, "no one knows what happens"...yet I have to believe there is more to be said on the topic....

What does the bible say about life after death? 

John 11:25
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, thought he were dead, yet shall live. 

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

So the bible tells us WE HAVE life after this Life;if you are blessed with FAITH. What if you don't have faith? Would something different really happen to you, just because you don't know Jesus? So all those with the Jewish faith who believe Jesus is a critically important person, just not the son of God - don't get this gift? What about those who are never introduced to the concept of God? Does it make sense that The One/God- rejects them? How would YOUR GOD separate people? (God separate? hummm)

So does that mean we all go to Heaven? Is there a hell? I personally do not believe in Hell. I never have believed in such a place. When would a parent (God) ever look at one of his children and finally GIVE UP? To me, it makes more sense that there are layers of heaven. We go to the 'layer' that relate to how our energy vibrates at the time of our death {that is another blog for the future!}. Can we possibly learn all the lessons in life in ONE life time? Can we learn how to LOVE the world, as God does in just one trip to Earth? 

So does that bring us to reincarnation? 

What do you think about those who can communicate with the dead? More and more mediums are being seen on TV, writing books and movies - making that more mainstream. The current TV hit, The Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo has opened many hearts to the idea that our loved ones don't just disappear. They are here with us, just in a different way. She clearly has a gift that offers HOPE. We all can use some hope!

There are countless stories about those who die and come back -life after death - in NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES (NDE). Many near death stories are told by respected people, who fear telling their stories will make them seem less credible.  The current NY best seller book, "Proof of Heaven" is written by a Harvard trained neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander. Basically his story is that 'he being highly trained and skilled brain surgeon, thought that people who told stories about floating above their body, traveling down a tunnel that's brightly lit, etc was just a normal body response from a brain lacking oxygen.' It must have been strange for him when in 2008 he "died" and traveled (flew) over what he described as Heaven - with fields of amazingly beautiful flowers opening as he and 'an angel' held hands while they flew over the most colorful and beautiful landscape he could imagine. Later through a police drawing, he finds out that the angel was his sister (he was adopted) whom had died years earlier!

Undoubtedly, we all want SOMETHING wonderful to happen after we die. Don't we all desire to be surrounded by our loved ones who have gone before us - WAITING for us? This is a tough life sometimes, wouldn't it be great to KNOW we go on to something more amazing? 

Do you believe we can communicate with our loved ones after they pass from here? 

In the spring 2012, my best friend and I took a trip to Phoenix, Arizona to take a two 1/2 day workshop with James Van Praagh. The workshop was to help teach you how to communicate with the other side. It was important for me to be open to all these new ideas because of Katrina. I was not willing to just wait 50 years to talk to her again! If it was possible to talk to her now, I wanted to learn how to do it. 

The week before Katrina's car accident I was repainting my living-room "French Gray". I had no idea that meant a light shade of blue! I wondered how it would look next to my red couch? I had sent photos to Kat's cell but she said she couldn't tell via text, but would be up the next weekend to visit. For reasons I still don't clearly understand - she never made to my home again. 

Once we booked our trip to the James Van Praagh workshop, I began to ask Katrina to PROVE to me that she was indeed there and could hear me. I wanted her to have SOMEONE at the workshop mention that I was painting my walls. It was obscure, and wasn't 'Google-able'!

I asked Katrina daily to bring up the painting sometime during our trip, if not I would have a hard time believing in such things - even as much as I wanted to believe, I needed first hand experience (proof). Friday night James did a few hours worth of readings for the audience. He was very good, and had a lot of detail in his descriptions. Many audience members were crying. It was pretty intense, but Katrina didn't make it in that night. Saturday and Sunday we did several exercises to strengthen our 'listening' and 'feeling' skills. By Sunday, I was bummed, she hadn't come through and I was getting nervous. Lyrae kept telling me to relax, it will happen - just chill. (Ugh!)

We were near the end of the workshop and once again we got new partners to pair up with. As soon as I sat down the lady says, "you should go pick someone else, I am not good at this' I think, oh great! Here I am NEEDING to hear my daughter, and I get a lady that has low confidence! I felt I needed to stay with her, and asked her to concentrate. I handed her Katrina's orange wallet and asked her to focus. In the beginning, she said she was hearing 'grandmother', I said NO. Calmly, "please take a deep breath and concentrate". 

She took a deep breath, she looked off to the side and said, "I am getting your daughter", "YES", she said, "she was killed in a car accident, but it was not her car", "YES", she said, "it happened around mid-night", "YES" and she went on with 6-7 accurate statements and then said that is all. I kept looking at her, in the dark, with a room full of hundreds of others in sets of two. She was still looking off to the side, thinking of something. I asked her what she was thinking, and she said, "No, its silly and doesn't mean anything". I said, "if you feel compelled to say it, you should as it might mean something to me". She looked right at me, and smiled, shrugged and said - "I see you with a roller paint brush - painting your walls"...tears streamed down my cheeks...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Angel Numbers

Have you ever heard of the term 'Angel numbers'?

Do you ever see the same numbers over and over again? 
Do you read the Bible? 
Angels are written about in the bible more than 250 times.

Katrina and I
Dallas Starplex Concert Bar 2010

Katrina Graceland 2010
A few years ago, perhaps six months after my 22 year old daughter, Katrina, was killed in a texting auto accident, I began seeing sets of numbers over and over again. 

I was obviously distraught and lost. I felt like the shell of a person, wandering around my house - unable to leave - unwilling to accept my fate. Anyone who has lost a child, or lost someone they love beyond words may begin to understand the tortured trapped feeling of just wanting OUT. I wanted out of my life, my head, my body, my family - I wanted to back up and have "my normal life back!" No matter what I did I could get no relief from my own mind. 

I walked past the clock in the kitchen, and the oven time was 12:34. Minutes later, I was in the bathroom and that clock said 12:34. For several days I would be doing something and then look up and see that it was 12:34. I am sure it took several days for me to even notice that time on the clock. I remember the day clearly when I finally stopped in the kitchen and said to myself, "What does that mean? Why do I keep noticing the time when it is 12:34?"

I had never really payed much attention to seeing a number over and over. I remember one day, years before, my mom asking the time, and me saying it was 11:11, and she said, "that's a good number". I asked her, what did that mean? What do you mean 11:11 is a good number? She just shrugged and say times with "1"s are good. At the time, I didn't think much of it and went on. 

Finally, after I had noticed the time 12:34 coming to me 5-6 times in a day - I googled it. Isn't that what we do in this day and age? Ask Google? 

Google came back with lots of answers, but I read the article , that Doreen Virtue, a well known lady who "worked with angels" had written about Angel Numbers. Basically, she said that our angels are trying to communicate with us on a regular basis - and we are typically too busy to notice - but they can 'send a message' by having look up at a clock at the same time each day so we observe a number repeatedly. We can see these numbers on all kinds of things: licenses plates, change from a purchase, the cost of an item, a page number - it really is endless. 

Guardian Angel

Daniel 9:21-22

...while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding." (NIV)

I quickly looked up the number '12:34' and it said that things are going in order. 'Things are happening in my life in the sequence that they were planned. And that I needed to continue to move forward in my life.'

For some reason that answer seemed logical to me at the time. So I began paying attention to seeing numbers repeatedly. Any time I would notice a number three or more times I began researching the meaning. I liked knowing that angels were working to communicate with me. A little piece of my soul felt not so terribly alone. 

Right around the same time I had begun noticing several other signs that I was not alone on this journey. I needed to KNOW that I was NOT ALONE, as I was really distraught to a point it scared me. I am known to be a strong person, people used to always say that to me. But this was different, I wasn't strong - didn't want to be strong. I wanted my damn daughter back! I felt so punished by God. I didn't understand why. What had I/we done to deserve this?

I digress...this opened the door to me receiving message via numbers from my guardian angels. I felt better knowing I was not alone during this dark time in my life. I had guardian angels with me - communicating to me! Being raised Catholic - we are taught we all have guardian angels - but this was pretty cool. 

I will come back and share a few more stories regarding ANGEL NUMBERS but for now I will leave you with a sample description of what the angel number 222 means. I've seen this number 5-6 times in the past few days. 

Do you see a certain number each day? So much that you NOTICED IT? What number do you see repeatedly? I like the website Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers.  I believe Joanne provides the best level of detail in regards to a number you may notice over and over. 

Be open. We all have guardian angels... Is YOUR angel trying to communicate with you? What message are they working to get to you?

May you come to this with an OPEN HEART - trust me THEY DO!

With love, 
Kathy (with my angels - Angela & Ariel)
You may also enjoy the website; Google; What does the Bible say about Angels?

[See Below From the website


Number 222 is made up of the attributes of and energies of the number 2 tripled, making number 222 a very powerful vibration. This number carries the attributes of the numbers 2 and 22, the Master Builder Number that resonates with ancient wisdom, vision, idealism and transformation. Number 2 lends its influences of faith and trust, encouragement, attainment and success, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, selflessness, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 222 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new auspicious and timely opportunities.

When Angel Number 222 repeats in your life you are asked to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life.  The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.

The message of repeating Angel Number 222 is that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term.  Do not put your energies into negativity – be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved.  Angel Number 222 is also reminding you to keep up the good work you are doing, as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition.

Angel Number 222 is a message of faith and trust from your angels.  Know that all is being worked out for the highest good of all involved.  Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason.  Maintain a positive attitude and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings in Divine right timing.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Law of Attraction

Lotus Flower - Grown in dirt
Rises above the murk to achieve enlightenment 

The Law of Attraction - what you focus on - you get more of...,like attracts like, what you resist - will persist, etc...

Like many laws, the Law of Attraction seems very simple.

We, like everything else on our planet, are pure energy - and like a magnet we attract into our lives what we set our sites on. The rich focus on how much money and things they they get MORE. The poor, or less fortunate, struggle with bills, think about how much money they DON'T have...and thus get more!

Although this law is simple in concept, like many other ideas we encounter - it MAY SEEM SIMPLE but in reality it is not easy to reshape the way we think. We are programmed very early in life, and so if our parents struggled - we tend to do the same. That is not always the case, but it seems to happen more often than not. 

We parents have to break this cycle and re-think the way we interact we our children. We need to teach them things our parents may not have taught us. When I was a kid, we had a large family and a small house. I shared my room with three of my sisters, the boys shared one room, my mom and stepfather had the baby with them. At the time, I didn't think we were broke, but my family struggled to keep food on the table. We ate more casseroles, and pot pies...'filler food' as I call it now...but I was happy (most of the time!). However, my mother never owned her own home - and we tended to move a lot. I wanted to buy one house and stay there forever!

How do we change the way we think to get the things we want? How can we attract the good jobs? Good income? Healthy relationships?

Sample Vision Board

Proverbs 17:22

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. 

The book, The Secret, was the beginning of change for many people. But, in my opinion, it really didn't teach me HOW to get these things. They seemed to just say FOCUS on what you want and magically it would APPEAR. To help you focus on the goal, we were taught to make vision boards (posters with pictures, and/or words filled with our deepest desires) and look at it each night and day. 

Conceptually, creating a personal vision board is a good place to start. I say this because many people are not PERFECTLY clear about what they want - not refined in identifying WHAT they want to manifest in their lives. Most know that they are not happy where they are but haven't quite figured out what they really want. I liken that to getting into your car and wanting to get to a destination and NOT having any idea where it is or any road map to get there. {no wonder we NEVER arrive there!}

The Law of Attraction requires we really FEEL in our souls our desires AS IF WE HAVE THEM NOW. We have to show gratitude and feel it deeply. We need to see/feel ourselves where we want to be - IN FULL LIVING COLOR! If you want a home, go look at them and find the one you want and really envision you and your family there. See yourself walking up to the home, opening the door, with your own key, see the decorations - room by room, etc...Get into as much detail as you can with your desires...see yourself in that car, know the color, how it smells, how it feels to drive it - so go test drive one - get to know deep into your soul these desires - this will help you attract the things you want. If you desire a healthy relationship - first be the PERSON you know your future mate would want (honest, loving, trusting, respectful, etc)...

We need to know we deserve what we want. We are beautiful, we are WORTHY, and trust me the "world" wants to give you what you desire. 

We are pure energy, as is everything around you. The Law of Attraction - is a real law, just as the law of gravity. There is no real magic here - other than to change the way we think!

One more thing to consider is timing. We don't always get what we want WHEN we want it, but if we keep our eye on the ball - we will indeed succeed.

NOTE: On a personal note, I have been working to find the ideal job for me. I've done the corporate job - for 22 years, don't want to go there again! I've been working several part time jobs - which gives me freedom - but not the income or benefits I desire. I have looked for jobs and feel in my stomach - "I couldn't do that, or Wouldn't want to do that"...I know those are not where I should be. The other day I was speaking to my closest friend about this, and she reminded me that I would get what I wanted when I needed it ("as you always do"). And I reminded her about the law of attraction in regards to her I hung up I wondered WHY I wasn't attracting the ideal job - I had to remind myself of the law of attraction - I wasn't clear about what I wondered it hadn't come to me yet!

I have always wanted to be a teacher. I want to work with at-risk kids/teens. I see myself on a working ranch with many animals so I can work with the kids teaching them to care for those who can not care for themselves. I plan to use art as a form of therapy. I have been attracting into my life several people who want to help in this endeavor. This summer I plan to take a three week program to allow me to teach...things are moving in the right direction, I am VERY BLESSED ... I just need patients and faith...and not forget about TIMING! (the law of attraction is working just fine!)

God Bless you and your family...

Friday, February 28, 2014

Garden Prep - Getting ready for Spring!

Texas weather is very unique! One day its 28 degrees, the very next day its 78! It can make you crazy, if you let it....but one thing I love is that during the winter - we will get some beautiful weather days. I make good use of that nice weather and sneak into the garden and prepare for an early spring!

Organic items for the garden

Onions fresh from the garden

Jeremiah 29:5
Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce

  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Liquid Seaweed
  • Lady Bug - John's Recipe
  • Agricultural Vinegar
  • Orange Oil
  • Thrive
  • Shake Away
  • Tomato/Pepper Set

Prep the beds

Romeo helping Prep

Square Foot Garden Blend

Living Natural First
I have been working in an organic garden center for a year and have learned a lot about gardening, with a focus on organic gardening. There is a lot to learn, but you don't need to stress about it. One step at a time...

We know pesticides are not good for us, not good for our water system, or the environment. The sad thing is that we live in a world of instantaneous gratification...and we can be very impatient. This can have a really bad effect on our over all health - and the health of children, pets, and wildlife. 

With a few small changes, we can really have a great yard and garden. Yes, organic gardening can take a lot longer than 'weed & feed' (YUCK!) but in the long run it costs less and safer for everything living with and around us. 

In the early Spring (mid Feb) and Fall (mid Sept) we can spread Corn Gluten Meal - for overall weed control. Basically, it blocks the weeds roots and without roots the weed will die. I will typically also use Horticultural Molasses at the same time. The molasses provides a natural food source for indigenous microbial population - it will increase the microbial activity. Good dirt = good lawn!

The amount of weeds in my lawn was reduced by about 70-80% the first time I used the Corn Gluten Meal! Thats pretty dramatic. After most of weeds have been eliminated, I can then use a natural spot treatment for the rest of the weeds (I also like to use my weed popper!)

Natural Weed Killer

Natural Weed Killer - spot treatment

Agricultural Vinegar (20%)
Orange oil
A few drops of Dawn dishwashing soap
Spray bottle

Fill bottle with vinegar, add a few tablespoons of orange oil, and a few drops of dish detergent. Spray the weed - be careful not to spray too much on other living items - grass, as it will kill it too. Use on a sunny day for best results. 

* Home vinegar is typically only 5% and won't be strong enough

Diatomaceous Earth - {AKA D.E.} Food/Insect GRADE - There are two main types of D.E. one you clean your swimming pool with - and the other is a natural pesticide for small insects that have an Exoskeleton: grasshoppers, cockroaches, and ants, to name a few. A small layer sprinkled in your garden will keep these guys out of your nice dirt! I also use it monthly to place around the perimeter of my home, and in my pantry to keep pests out. 

Be aware DE also kills beneficial insects like bees; so like any other pest control - use sparingly. 

Another great use for DE is for flea control. You can sprinkle on your pets bedding, a teaspoon in their food (yes it is SAFE), and on the pet. If you see any  fleas you can sprinkle around the house and vacuum it up. 

Today, I removed my straw (I use it for a weed block in the garden, and it keeps the good dirt in my garden), pulled any weeds that did grow (very few!), adding a dusting of DE, topped the soil off with a bag of Lady Bugs - Square-foot garden blend, and re-covered with straw. I like the square-foot blend because it has everything you in a garden soil all mixed together. When I first built my garden I adding bags separately - but this season I just added the blend. The Square-foot garden blend contains five composts, coir fiber and coarse vermiculite.

To till or NOT TO TILL? I have learned not to till my garden. Its a lot of work, but the worst part is that we flip the good dark healthy dirt up to the top and then allow nature to dry it out and remove key nutrients. I loved watching this free documentary movie - "Back to Eden - Gardening" and learned a lot

I will continue to blog about organic gardening...but get out there to do some preparation - trust me you will be pleased when spring arrives and most of your hard work is done!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Raised a Catholic

I am blessed to have faith in God. 

I honestly can not say how, why, or when I fully began believing in Him - but I am thankful that it happened. I was raised Catholic. We went to confession each Saturday afternoon, Catholic church on Sunday mornings (on an empty stomach as we needed to receive the Eucharist/communion without food - that I guess has changed), and weekly CCD*.

As a teenager, I also taught CCD. My little brother, Jason, was an altar boy. My mom went to church each morning, but we only went on Sundays. To be honest, I went to these things because I had to, not because I believed. My mother is a Benedictine Sister (Nun) in Chicago. She had always wanted to be a nun, she attended an all girls Catholic school - where she lives today. She just had a 30 year life, raising seven children, before she actually went!
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Wilmette, Illinois
I moved out of my parents home at 18, and yet sometimes my friends (Lyrae & Valenti) and I still went to church. More out of habit than belief. I went years without 'stand up, sit down, kneel - Peace be with you' - you can attend the Catholic Church on autopilot, as it is very redundant - with only the homily different most weeks. We liked Saturday afternoons "guitar mass"....and giggled if we had to go to 'high mass' - where they sing in high voices!

Anyone raised Catholic will relate to all I've said above, and others just may not understand...but it is my religious foundation. As an adult, I disagreed with many of the Catholic beliefs. I didn't understand why the Pope wouldn't allow birth control - when some families struggled to feed the children they had. I didn't like going to confession and telling the priest my sins - when I knew THEY HAD committed terrible sins against small boys. 

With that said, even though I don't believe all the teachings of the church, it is still comfortable for me. But when I longed to know God deeper, I didn't feel that that was the place for me. I tried other types of churches, but I still didn't fit in. 

I read the bible a few times, I've taken numerous classes on the subject - I did really enjoy the new and old testament classes I took at DBU (Dallas Baptist University)...

I realized then that I could have a daily relationship with God without a church. I really didn't care for organized religion - I found that I was more spiritual than religious. Although, I'd like to point out - I have nothing against those who feel drawn to church, or organized religion - it just isn't where I am these days. 

When I lost my daughter, Katrina, in a sudden car accident - I was so angry with God. But I kept talking to Him! So much pain there...but HE kept reminding me that he was with me...most likely carrying me - as one of my favorite poems suggests, "Footprints in the Sand".

I do admit I thoroughly enjoy conversations about religion. I love hearing what people think and WHY they believe what they believe. I read a great book that described the 8 largest religions in the world - how they were different - and ended with discussing how they were all very similar. Need to remember what the name was...I'd like to read it again. 
St. Joseph
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Wilmette, IL

When you lose someone you really can't afford to lose - you tend to lose your mind - or find your God. I never lost Him, I just was - and I guess still am a little 
angry with Him. I've learned a lot in the past 2 1/2 years without her. My spiritual beliefs haven't changed - they have just grown. 

Galatians 4:14

and though my condition was a trial to you, you, did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus.

I know I will be greeted my by daughter, Katrina Ashley, when its my time - but in the meantime I keep learning, reading, and growing while I am here. 

God Bless you and your family...remember when you feel alone - He is there - you just have to talk to Him. 


CCD* - Catholics version of Sunday school. I just looked up the meaning of CCD - Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Roman Catholic religious education for children.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lets Crochet!

My Godmother, Alfreda, taught me how to crochet when I was in 5th grade. In the years that I have crocheted I have made hundreds of blankets - but never really got past that level, because I never knew how to read a pattern, nor did I know the name of the stitches.  

However, in the past few years, with the help of friends and the Internet that has all changed. I am still unsure about most patterns but that has not stopped me!

The ruffle scarfs are very easy and take about 30 minutes to make. I tend to dress fairly plainly these days - but with jeans, a white tee - and one of these it works!

Ruffle Scarfs

Exodus 35:35
He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done by an engraver or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, or by a weaver - by any sort of workman or skilled designer. 

Kitchen Wash Cloths

Hot Pads/Trivet
Which Button?

So much to create, so little time!
  • Wash cloths
  • Purses
  • Face Scrubbie
  • Soap Savers
Beanie Hats

Little Purse

Soap saver bags are cute gifts and useful in that you do save on soap and don't need to use a washcloth. I wash them before I refill them with a new bar of soap.  

Making the soap savers taught me that I could create items with shapes, and corners. This lead me to make the hot pad/trivets. They are nice because they are two ply and sturdy.

As in life, one thing leads to another! I then wanted to make a little summer purse. I am very blessed, as most summers my best friend and I take a lovely beach holiday...and I don't want to drag around my normal purse. All I need is my money, Chapstick, and room key.  My dad and Emmy travel to my home for a short visit with me...and then they stay and watch my little zoo {Zeus, Isis, Salsa, Romeo, and Sweet Pea!} I am thankful that they are spoiled while I am away and trust me THEY LOVE GRANDMA, and grandpa - but she treats my pets better than I do!

I like making things that I will use and I love these little wash cloths. I first found them at Homestead Heritage {} for about $12 for two. They are made of 100% cotton. I use them in the kitchen and bathroom.

Soap Saver, Face Scrubbies, Wash Cloths
  • Beanie Hats
  • Hot pads
  • Ruffle Scarfs
  • Coasters
What do you do with all the little bits and pieces of yarn you have left over? I am adverse to tossing out anything that I think I can use...and these little face 'scrubbies' take about 15-20 minutes and make use of the left overs. You can make the face 'scrubbies' - although they are soft, or you can make coasters that protect your table. 

The ideas are endless...I found most ideas/patterns on Pinterest but tend to use YouTube for the instructions - as I still struggle with reading patterns. Happy Crocheting!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kale Chips Anyone?

Kale chips are yummy, good for you, and easy to make!

Kale is a dark green, bitter, but a nutritional powerhouse vegetable. Just 1 1/3 cups contain 250% of daily value of vitamin A. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, and an essential antioxidant that helps maintain gums, repair body tissue and heals wounds.

These chips are crispy, buttery, and easy to make. 

Genesis 1:29

And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of the all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 

Kale Chips

Preheat oven to 225-250 degrees.

Wash well, dry, fold in half and remove stem. Tear the leaves into 2-3 inch pieces. Spray a cookie sheet with olive oil - I use a MISTO pump {Bed Bath & Beyond $10} that I fill with olive oil - but you can use any cooking spray. Place torn kale onto the sheet, lightly spray with oil and add a sprinkle (very little) salt* and/or pepper. 

Place into warm oven and bake for 12 minutes. Flip over and spray again with a little oil. Bake another 12-14 minutes until crispy. Enjoy!* Real Salt is an all natural sea salt with nothing added and nothing removed. It contains 60 trace minerals and tastes very good! [Photo above has image of the salt shaker]

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Monarch Butterflies are in DANGER - they need OUR help

The monarch butterfly has been decreasing in numbers for the past several years primarily due to humans (pesticides, less landscape to find their food source, etc)

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come

We can help them by providing food and water. Monarch larvae feed primarily on milkweed so we need to plant some in our gardens and encourage others to do so as well. 

A great informative website is These delicate creatures have an amazing life cycle were every fourth generation lives a longer life so they can travel from Canada down to Mexico! It's a little more complicated than that...but the point I am trying to make is simple; we created the decline in numbers and now we should be compelled to help in bringing them back!
 Pupa stage
                        Please plant some milkweed for them. Offer water in a bird bath, or upside down wine bottle - fill with water. The wine bottles can be a pretty border to your garden too!

Tagging to track them

 I believe God shows us the Monarch Butterfly as a testament to life after "death". The caterpillar is pretty yet looks totally different than the butterfly, had you not seen the caterpillar create this little pupa - and then watched it emerge - you would not know it was the same creature. 

After the caterpillar has eaten his fill, his 'body' changes to a pupa - and it appears as if the caterpillar is almost dead. It does not move for days and days...then one magical day - he comes out a butterfly. The butterfly looks, feels, and travels 100% different than he did just two weeks ago. 

This reminds me of our transformation. Others may believe we are perhaps dead - but we, like the butterfly, have just transformed into a totally different look and feel. 

If God will do this for a butterfly - why wouldn't he do it for YOU?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Life is Magical - Collecting Stories

I love how magical life can be, if we just take the time to notice. 

Once I was willing to tell others about seeing an angel, which was quite difficult; most began telling me amazing stories that they had experienced. I will not tell who said I don't have their approval to post but I will say I have a collection of the most magical stories....

Psalms 91:11
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways
One friend was driving with her two children, taking her son to soccer practice. Her daughter, two years old, was in the back seat. As they passed a cemetery her daughter says, "My mommy and daddy are buried there."  Her mom, a little shocked at what her daughter just said, replies, "What? I am your mommy." Without any delay, her daughter says, "I KNOW, my OTHER mommy and daddy!" (Directly suggesting reincarnation is real and she remembered her parents from her previous life). 

I asked her what she did...I personally would have pulled into that cemetery and had her show me where they were, my curiosity would have gotten the better of me.... her response was, "Hell no, I've never driven on that road again!" [If your child said this to you....What would you have done?]

Another dear friend, who was very close to her grandmother - so close they talked almost daily - saw her grandmother after she passed away! She was quite sad, crying and sleeping on the sofa at her grandma's home the day the day after her grandmother had died. She was having a terrible time accepting she would not be seeing or talking to her grandmother any longer. Her grandmother, dressed in an all white, beautiful, flowing dress, walked towards her and then stood in front of her with a serene look on her face. My friend said to her grandmother, "I see you and I know you will be waiting for me when it is my time, but please don't come to me again."  She explained to me that she KNOWS that she will be greeted by her family, and did not need them to be with her now. [I love her KNOWING without a doubt they WILL BE there, she knows where she is going after she dies.]

Another friend had a reoccurring dream that she would be killed driving on this snow covered, dangerous road that was a main road from her family home. So she did everything she could to avoid that road. One day, after her father had passed away, due to weather she was forced to travel the road. She was terrified, her heart was racing, palms sweating - she should just return to her mothers home, but had to work the next day - so wanted to be at her home that night. She decided that perhaps driving in the center would be safer, than on the cliff side of the road. She travelled down the road a while, and then a beautiful blue light appeared in front of her vehicle. She was drawn to follow the light, which 'pulled' towards the right hand side of the highway. Immediately a big rig came barreling down the center divider - narrowly missing her! She KNEW this was her father...protecting her. 

And finally, a retired police officer was parked on a hill up from a main road late at night. She saw a car speeding past the street she was on, so put her car into geer and pushed on the gas. As she was about to turn on to the street the racing car had just flown past - she felt two strong hands push/shove her back into her seat! She slammed on her breaks...that freaked her out in some way - but felt her father there. Shortly there after she hears on the radio the first officer at the scene had been fatally shot. She KNEW her father protected her that day.

These are just a few of the stories I have been collecting. I would like to write a book with all the stories I have....what have you encountered that you could not explain? Have you ever spoken to your close friends about things like this? What have they encountered?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Spirtual - Awakening

I have been meditating off and on for years...seeking true inner peace. I find it so easy to get caught up in rushing here and there in the world in which we live. The constant noise/chaos has always made me a little crazy. Every time I thought about my hurried life I'd known THIS IS NOT how I want to live. But, it is not easy to slow down enough to notice that you're living a chaotic life!

In September 2011 - that changed for me, as my daughter, Katrina, was taken from us in a senseless accident. The year following that devastating news - I was lost and thankfully don't remember much. I will not go into to the darkness I found there...but I did have an amazing "thing" happen to me. I was so angry at God...

How could HE do this to her? Me? All of us? What did we do to deserve such a horrible punishment? Some people won't like me admitting this BUT I HATED GOD FOR THIS TRANSGRESSION! Yet....somehow I KNEW I needed Him, so I kept praying to Him. I felt tortured. Hating and Loving the same being? 

I honestly was concerned that I was losing my mind. I had never felt suicidal before, yet I did not want to be HERE on this planet any longer. I had lost my zest for life. I read everything I could about what happens after you die. What is heaven like? What are they doing "up there"? Is reincarnation real? All of these things that I had thought little about were now critically important. I prayed hours every day for some light to return to my soul. I needed answers or I knew I would be lost in the abyss.

So many times I've heard that God only gives you what you can handle. BS - I was WAY over my head. 

I was drawn into listening to a tenured professor in Phoenix who was researching proof that angels exists (James Van He was filming them, recording them and documenting that angels are real. After the program I prayed to God to show me - prove to me - that He was real. I needed to know that my daughter was not just gone from this world - but she is STILL here - just in a different form. The program stated the most people would be terrified if indeed they saw an angel so they don't typically appear visually. I NEEDED to see for myself. [I am sure at this point, your wondering if I really am crazy - and I am sure only a few of you will believe me. Nonetheless this is my story and it is the absolute truth - not that it matters IF you believe].

At about 2:30 am I awoke KNOWING someone was in my bedroom. My heart was racing and I was afraid to open my eyes. I took a deep breath thinking my dogs should be barking - if someone was indeed in my room. Standing to the right of my bed, about 3 feet from the foot of my bed stood a HUGE creature. He was taller than my window, he had white very large wings that almost hit my 14 foot ceiling. He was wearing a white robe, with a blue sash around his waist. He had his hands together and was holding an odd object. It was round, a metal of some kind - it reminded me of the top of a wisk - not solid, and not easy to describe. I was very drawn to the object but didn't recognize it. I sat up wanting to be fully alert, I looked around my room to get my bearings. I looked to the right, and he was still there. 

Apprehensively, I finally looked at his face. He had a very stern, yet peaceful and pleasant, chiseled face. He was not smiling, nor did he move his mouth as I heard him speak. Being raised Catholic, I was always told I had a guardian angel - but I had in my mind they would be sweet looking. Perhaps more cherub, or gentle. This angel had a strong jawline, like the men in the movie "300". He made me feel very safe. 

I once again looked at the object in his hand, trying to remember what I was seeing. I asked what his name was, and he responded, "Once you know what this object is you will know my name." He said he had brought me a message. He said, "Nothing happens in this lifetime, especially something negative, WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR APPROVAL, INCLUDING YOUR DEATH".

He said the worst is past me now, and he would always be there to protect me. 

I was struggling with his message. Was he saying that Katrina had approved to die? Agreed to move forward? I was really struggling with that concept. He stayed a moment longer...I could feel his love surround me, I felt safe, protected and guarded. 

I got out of bed, went into the living room and reviewed what had just happened. I wanted to call someone, but it was in the middle of the night. Who would believe me anyway? I was shaking - yet peaceful. I cried and wasn't sure how to process his information. My mom wakes up early, so as soon as I felt reasonable, I called her and told her what happened. She instantly said, It wasn't Katrina the person who approved of her passing - it was her soul. That made sense. 

Weeks later my son, Bradley, came into town. I wanted to tell him in person. I didn't want him to think his mother had lost her mind. He had already lost his sister, he didn't need to lose me too. He, like my mother, believed what I told him - thankfully! As we drove to one of our favorite restaurants in Dallas, Campisi's - he listened to my story and was on the internet. Much to my amazement, within minutes shows me an image of an Archangel, named, Metatron. He is a very large angel and holds a cube. I was not familiar with him, but that was definitely who I saw in my room that night. 

This encounter opened my heart and my world - and renewed my faith in God. 
Me & my son, Bradley
Metatron's Cube

Jewish, Archangel, Metatron holding his cube