Thursday, March 20, 2014

You are Not and Never have been a Victim

Taking Ownership of your Life and Situation 

Many reading this may not like the way this will sound, but I believe this is wholly true... PLEASE take the time to really think about what I am saying, IF you're hearing this for the first time. YOU, with some guidance, chose the life you are living. You chose your mother and father, brothers/sisters/children, situations, birth location, gender, and especially YOUR LIFE LESSONS. You and your guides determine what lessons will work out the best for everyones growth and plan out details that will allow you to learn these lessons. You, and your soul group also work together in the planing stages before you are born. You are not a victim of circumstances. In reality NOTHING has happened TO YOU. 

Can you feel that in your heart? Deep in your soul does that sound correct or does it not feel right? When I read some ideas I work to feel inside if the concept is plausible or feels right to me. I try not to form an opinion too soon...I like to sit with new ideas and ponder them to determine if they feel right to me. Or sometimes if they just feel wrong. The idea that we select the situation that will allow the most growth feels very right to me. It makes no sense that it would all just be random happenstance.

Before you came here, you made some plans on what lessons you wanted to learn so you could grow the most spirituality in this lifetime. You know yourself VERY well, you know what it takes for you to learn something at a soul level. So if your lessons are beyond difficult - that is what YOU KNEW YOU NEEDED to learn what you were sent here to learn. 

Trust me, when I first began understanding this perspective - I did not like it, I didn't like it one bit! It means that I knew my daughter, Katrina, would go while she was young, and that we PLANNED it that way. When I sit and meditate, I KNOW THIS IS TRUE. Although very very painful, I am certain I knew this information. 

There are a few things I have always known. I have no idea why I know these things, but so far they have come true. I knew I would have a son, then a daughter. I told myself, in the mirror for years, do not get addicted to anything. Do not get fat! (wish that would change faster than it is!!) My 50th year would be very life changing. I am an optimist, and thought I would meet my husband that year! And finally, that I would die in a car crash or when I was 98. Those five 'facts' I have known ever since I could remember. 

Katrina Rose in a southern garden

I now consider these 'facts', and yes, I had a son, then a daughter. My daughter, Katrina, was taken in an auto accident when I was 49 - but if conception begins life, I would have been 50. Perhaps the memory of the car accident, I related to me - when in fact my soul tried to remember to soften the losing of my daughter. I don't know. But I find it interesting...

What have you always just KNOWN about your life? 

Believing that these big lessons are planed - I begin to day dream and see if I can mediate down to this information. Gather more details of things I may know that will benefit me now. It calms me somehow, yet pains me as well. I miss Katrina so much, her laughter, her grumpy morning manner, her butt showing because her pants are pulled down too low! I just miss being in her presence, doing anything. It is so painful to lose someone you love, more than you love yourself. The pain is indescribable. I imagine it is like losing a limb, or the ability to walk or see/hear. 

So getting in my head that I (we) chose this lesson for OUR growth is difficult to accept. Difficult yet I know it is also accurate. I recall what Archangel Metatron said to me the night he gave me my life lesson (in another post). Basically he stated that 'nothing bad ever happens to you without your prior approval, up to and including your death'.

When I heard that message, I understood it at a soul level

I look around my life, my situation, and my relationships with a different perspective these days. I not only accept them, I work to embrace them - knowing this is the way it should be. It is all perfect. 

So we are NOT victims here, yes some of us got a pretty shitty card - life is not what card you got - it is what did you DO with the card YOU GOT?


Unknown said...

Though I understand what you are saying, I have yet to fully grasp this concept. But that's ok, I'm a work in progress and I will when he time is right to. Love your insight, you are a very deep person!

Simply Faith said...

When you are hearing deep information for the first time I think its normal not to grasp it, as you are still gathering information. If the lesson is important to you, you will get more and more signs that your on the right path. Love these interesting topics!