Saturday, March 8, 2014

Angel Numbers

Have you ever heard of the term 'Angel numbers'?

Do you ever see the same numbers over and over again? 
Do you read the Bible? 
Angels are written about in the bible more than 250 times.

Katrina and I
Dallas Starplex Concert Bar 2010

Katrina Graceland 2010
A few years ago, perhaps six months after my 22 year old daughter, Katrina, was killed in a texting auto accident, I began seeing sets of numbers over and over again. 

I was obviously distraught and lost. I felt like the shell of a person, wandering around my house - unable to leave - unwilling to accept my fate. Anyone who has lost a child, or lost someone they love beyond words may begin to understand the tortured trapped feeling of just wanting OUT. I wanted out of my life, my head, my body, my family - I wanted to back up and have "my normal life back!" No matter what I did I could get no relief from my own mind. 

I walked past the clock in the kitchen, and the oven time was 12:34. Minutes later, I was in the bathroom and that clock said 12:34. For several days I would be doing something and then look up and see that it was 12:34. I am sure it took several days for me to even notice that time on the clock. I remember the day clearly when I finally stopped in the kitchen and said to myself, "What does that mean? Why do I keep noticing the time when it is 12:34?"

I had never really payed much attention to seeing a number over and over. I remember one day, years before, my mom asking the time, and me saying it was 11:11, and she said, "that's a good number". I asked her, what did that mean? What do you mean 11:11 is a good number? She just shrugged and say times with "1"s are good. At the time, I didn't think much of it and went on. 

Finally, after I had noticed the time 12:34 coming to me 5-6 times in a day - I googled it. Isn't that what we do in this day and age? Ask Google? 

Google came back with lots of answers, but I read the article , that Doreen Virtue, a well known lady who "worked with angels" had written about Angel Numbers. Basically, she said that our angels are trying to communicate with us on a regular basis - and we are typically too busy to notice - but they can 'send a message' by having look up at a clock at the same time each day so we observe a number repeatedly. We can see these numbers on all kinds of things: licenses plates, change from a purchase, the cost of an item, a page number - it really is endless. 

Guardian Angel

Daniel 9:21-22

...while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding." (NIV)

I quickly looked up the number '12:34' and it said that things are going in order. 'Things are happening in my life in the sequence that they were planned. And that I needed to continue to move forward in my life.'

For some reason that answer seemed logical to me at the time. So I began paying attention to seeing numbers repeatedly. Any time I would notice a number three or more times I began researching the meaning. I liked knowing that angels were working to communicate with me. A little piece of my soul felt not so terribly alone. 

Right around the same time I had begun noticing several other signs that I was not alone on this journey. I needed to KNOW that I was NOT ALONE, as I was really distraught to a point it scared me. I am known to be a strong person, people used to always say that to me. But this was different, I wasn't strong - didn't want to be strong. I wanted my damn daughter back! I felt so punished by God. I didn't understand why. What had I/we done to deserve this?

I digress...this opened the door to me receiving message via numbers from my guardian angels. I felt better knowing I was not alone during this dark time in my life. I had guardian angels with me - communicating to me! Being raised Catholic - we are taught we all have guardian angels - but this was pretty cool. 

I will come back and share a few more stories regarding ANGEL NUMBERS but for now I will leave you with a sample description of what the angel number 222 means. I've seen this number 5-6 times in the past few days. 

Do you see a certain number each day? So much that you NOTICED IT? What number do you see repeatedly? I like the website Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers.  I believe Joanne provides the best level of detail in regards to a number you may notice over and over. 

Be open. We all have guardian angels... Is YOUR angel trying to communicate with you? What message are they working to get to you?

May you come to this with an OPEN HEART - trust me THEY DO!

With love, 
Kathy (with my angels - Angela & Ariel)
You may also enjoy the website; Google; What does the Bible say about Angels?

[See Below From the website


Number 222 is made up of the attributes of and energies of the number 2 tripled, making number 222 a very powerful vibration. This number carries the attributes of the numbers 2 and 22, the Master Builder Number that resonates with ancient wisdom, vision, idealism and transformation. Number 2 lends its influences of faith and trust, encouragement, attainment and success, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, selflessness, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 222 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new auspicious and timely opportunities.

When Angel Number 222 repeats in your life you are asked to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life.  The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.

The message of repeating Angel Number 222 is that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term.  Do not put your energies into negativity – be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved.  Angel Number 222 is also reminding you to keep up the good work you are doing, as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition.

Angel Number 222 is a message of faith and trust from your angels.  Know that all is being worked out for the highest good of all involved.  Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason.  Maintain a positive attitude and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings in Divine right timing.


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