Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vodka Cleaner - No More Chemicals?!

Marketers have gotten all of to believe we NEED several household cleaners to maintain a clean house. I have to admit, for a while I really believed them. I had a window cleaner, counter top cleaner, floor cleaner, five different bathroom cleaners, just to name a few! And talk about expensive!! 

When I was working full time, I had the luxury of having a maid come every two weeks to help keep the house up. OK, I admit it, I MISS HER! I digress...her first day I came home from work and the house was sparkling clean...but I was accosted by the smell! Granted it was a "clean" smell but WAY too strong for me. I looked at my African Gray Parrot, Sweet Pea, and KNEW it was unhealthy for her too!
Sweet Pea, the naughty African Gray Parrot

Heb 11:1

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

We looked on-line for some good household cleaners that we could make at home, that would really clean the house. I had been 'playing' with vinegar cleaners, and baking soda...but the smell was not very nice, they cleaned just fine but I couldn't get past the vinegar smell. 
Smells Heavely!

Anyway...Vodka Cleaner. Its easy to make, smells great and has other important values, as noted below. Place all the ingredients in a bottle with a top, shake daily. Within a few days the items will infuse into the vodka and it is ready to use. You can pour into a spray bottle, while maintaining the other ingredients to make more. 

Vodka - insecticide, antibacterial, kills mold and mildew
Lemon Peel - solvent, insect repellent
Cinnamon Sticks - fragrant, kills mosquito larvae
Vanilla Beans - fragrant, insect repellent

Vodka Cleaner - Finished Product
You can use any cheep Vodka you have on hand, or want to purchase. I liked the vanilla flavored one, the price ($6.35 a liter) was the same and it smelled nice too. 

The vodka does evaporate quickly so it is fine to use with sensitive animals, like birds and chickens. I do however, remove my bird while cleaning, just in case!

Note: A manufacturer can omit any ingredient that it considers a secret formula from its label, and many of these ‘secret’ ingredients are toxic and carcinogenic. Vodka cleaner does not have any of this nonsense! And it smells lovely!

I am thinking to make the other cleaner that seems to be 'hot' on the Internet, which is orange based. I'll let you know how that goes. I also have some great recipes using essential oils, which I will blog about soon. 

Tonight I am making a NO KNEAD bread, that is wonderful, and easy. So please come back soon....

I liked this website for the Vodka recipe

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