Sunday, February 7, 2021

Angel Numbers or Repetitive Numbers

Do you see the same numbers over and over again? I’ve written about this in the past, but some people may just be noticing these “messages “.  I have worked with numbers most of my life. For income I have spent most of my career either working in accounting or sales, both very driven by numbers. 

About 10 years ago, I noticed that I kept seeing repetitive numbers. Several times a day I would see 56, or 111, or 555, or 1234, in the past year I more often see 56, 1010, and 1212. I would notice the time of day would be the same number, change given back to me, license plates, etc...numbers are everywhere. But why was I seeing the same numbers over and over again. Was there a message here for me?  Once you begin to notice them, pay attention. Are they random numbers? Are you seeing the same number again and again? I, and many others, believe this is a sign from your angels. We all have guardian angels that walk with us, watch over us, protect us, and they will help guide us, if we can learn to hear them. 

Angel # 1212

How can your angels communicate with you, when you can not see them? They are here to walk with you in this lifetime, and to protect you. Your soul KNOWS this angel that has traveled with you. But like many other mystical things, we have a veil placed between us and who we really are, one of our jobs is to remove that screen. Your angels can assist you, but you need to ask for their help. I digress. 

How do we determine what these number messages mean to us? There are several websites that will help you decipher the messages you are receiving. Some of my favorites are;, and I would read a few of them and feel which one resonates with you. Deep inside you really do have all the answers about you! 

I often, up to 30+ times per day see the numbers 1212. I have seen that number so many times I can not deny it was clearly a message for me. After 30+ years working in the corporate America's rat race - I WAS AND CURRENTLY am questioning myself, why am I doing this soulless work? It is KILLING ME. Yes, I do make great money and have nice benefits when working in the grind, but I really do believe it is killing me. I am a type A personality. Games I chose to play, I play hard and give it my all with the "knowing" I WILL WIN. Who knows where I got this level of confidence, but it works for me (in most cases!). I now understand that I need something else at this time in my life. 

In the summer of 2020, I had had enough. My stress level was over the top. I had moved to a new town months before the pandemic, so I did not have any friends in my new town. It was what I thought was the height of the Covid19 pandemic - my product was not selling AT ALL. As everyone knows, we were basically locked down. No shopping, or travel, or pleasure unless it was had in the safety of your own home. My elderly mother, living in a home with 38 others caught Covid19 in April, 2020. I could feel my blood pressure rising, my heart was working overtime, I was clearly stressed and needed a break. This was just all too much for me. So I elected to step out of work. 

Seeing the number 1212 during this time helped guide me to know that better things are out there for me. Love or fear? To be honest, it has really taken me months to chill enough to BE BRAVE, to have the courage to try something new. But what? Can I make enough income to support my life style without corporate America? I have a few more years to work before I can retire. But should I go with what I know? or take a risk? I am still working on that question... I will let you know what happens in the coming months and as always will look for angelic messages of encouragement. 

I recently received an email asking about angel number 555. That is a powerful number that helped support me for a long while. There are several meanings, but for me, I knew it was telling me that I was on the right path to learning who I really am. My favorite blog that may help you interpret this number is from Willow Soul

I appreciate you reading my blog and look forward to interacting and sharing with you again really soon. If you have questions please feel free to post here or send an email. God bless, until later. 


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