Monday, March 11, 2013

Our Bestfriends Food

Who is your best friend?
Zeus - Love this dog!

About 18 months ago, I had the worst experience anyone could ever suffer, the loss of a child. I won't get into that sad story but I will say that my most loyal of "friends" were my dogs (OK, my fat kitty Romeo was pretty great too). They didn't allow me to stay in bed all day crying...they were hungry, or had to go out, or needed a walk. They sat by me in my darkest hours and did what all best friends do...they patiently love you while you heal.
Isis the ever loyal boxer

I have to admit, I truly LOVE animals. I connect with them at a unique level and have a special affection towards them. Recently, a friend told me that the FDA suggests that dog food be 12% digestible! Really? Many of us love our dogs and yet do you know what you’re feeding your dog? Do you read the package? Is the first ingredient MEAT, then vegetables and/or brown rice? In the past year, I have been working to reduce my monthly expenses. When you have three dogs, one cat and a parrot - you spend a lot of money on food and treats. I don't care for Wal-Mart, but thought I'd look there for ANY dog food that listed meat first. No, none, nadda! All cornmeal...which dogs do you know that like to eat a diet of mainly cornmeal? Luckily, I found some decent food that didn't break the bank which contains lamb, brown rice and then vegetables! However, I wanted to add more healthy things into their bodies.

I eat a lot of vegetable and grain soup and prior to seasoning it to my taste buds; I scoop some on my dog’s dry food. They LOVE it. Honestly, all my pets love split pea soup, white bean soup, vegetable soup, and chicken noodle soup - split pea being an all time favorite! BEWARE do NOT add onions, they are toxic to dogs. Another suggestion, start slowly. You know what happens to you when you add too much fiber to your diet in one day, don't you?

Salsa - Katrina's dog

Proverbs 18:24 

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Romeo - the Catdog (pronounced kadog)


Lyrae said...

Thanks for the info. Never looked at my pet food labels before !

Unknown said...

I am sorry about your child. However, I adore your Blog! Your pets are soo cute, especially Salsa! Good info about the dog food - I wasn't aware of that. Love the Blog, keep it coming.
Debi from Florida.

Simply Faith said...

I am not sure if you saw the report on the dog food called Beneful, but it has been killing dogs and for some reason the FDA will NOT recall it. If you know anyone feeding their dog this food PLEASE encourage them to either STOP or research it.

Thanks for your comments! We love our pets and want them to live a long time so lets feed them well!


Simply Faith said...

Thanks for nice feedback! I have a new blog ideas...let me know if you have any suggestions!

Heather said...

Just another one of your talents. You can write. Miss the zoo - miss you!!!


Simply Faith said...

How's your Mr. PERCY? We are doing well. Staying busy.

Another big dog food recall this past week (3/2013). Items made in Denver...not China this time! Google your dog food to be safe!